The easiest thing to remember

That said, it’s Buick time.  Akin, Smith and Ryan may each very well think that any act of abortion is the killing of life.  In Ryan’s case, he has no problem pointing out that he is proudly joining the ticket of someone who would only allow murder in certain situations, so I’m not quite clear on what that says about his character.  Standing next to Mitt Romney, he’s lucky to be insulated from character attacks.  The issue here is that in stating their abortion positions, they’ve shown themselves to be heartless.  Watch the Paul Ryan video from today – the method to conception one – where he showed absolutely no empathy for women who are raped.  I’m sure it didn’t cross his mind.  I keep jumping back in my mind to the 2003 press conference George Bush called when he signed an abortion restricting bill.  You could barely see Bush signing the bill for all the old, white men surrounding him.

Right here, in August 2012, subject to change at any time, the Republican Party platform exists to restrict abortion rights, restrict gay marriage, restrict health care options, and to explode the deficit by eliminating taxes to people like Mitt Romney.  Their elected leaders in the House of Representatives don’t believe in global warming.  They say it’s because a few scientists cooked some numbers, likely for the same reasons a lot of the Wall Street crowd shame-walked in handcuffs cooked the numbers.  I guess that means capitalism is a hoax, too.  Their logic, not mine.  (They later admitted God will end the world when he’s good and ready and we shouldn’t do anything to interfere with his plans.)  They don’t think we should require the HPV vaccine because they got a forward from someone stupider than they are that saying it causes mental retardation.  No science.  No facts.  All PR.

If it doesn’t smell like that, you trust the left.

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